I’m opening a lot of old files and making lots queries.” “Thank you for adding the query function! This will help with editing DXF files and other large base map files I seem to always create. Create buffer polygons around features at specific distances, points at intersections, new polygons from existing polygons, and many more.

Geoprocessing, or vector editing, has become increasingly popular and Surfer now supports more editing tools than ever. This allows the user to identify the features that meet certain criteria for deletion, emphasis, or export. Query features in any base map by its properties or an attribute value. Two other powerful time-saving upgrades to Surfer 13 are performing queries on features in base maps and utilizing the new vector editing options. Viewshed maps have a wide range of uses in industries like security, architecture and landscape architecture, military, communications, surveying, wildlife research, and urban planning. Surfer calculates and displays the areas visible, or invisible, from a specific point location.

In addition to displaying latitude and longitude graticule lines, users can now perform viewshed analysis. meters) and display a grid in different units, such as feet. Users can also create an additional grid in different units, allowing users to project a map in one set of units (e.g. One of the most popular new features in Surfer 13 is the ability to display latitude/longitude graticule lines over a projected map, allowing users to view their maps and data in various coordinate units. Surfer 13 contains over 250 new features and improvements as requested by users. Maps generated with Surfer are known for their clarity, vibrancy and accuracy. Enhance the display by adding post and base maps. Display a grid or digital elevation model in one of nine fully customizable 2D and 3D grid-based map types: contour, watershed, viewshed, image, shaded relief, 1-grid and 2-grid vector, 3D wireframe, and 3D surface maps. Surfer 13 offers thirteen different gridding methods, including Kriging with variograms, to convert irregularly spaced XYZ data into a uniform grid. Introduced in 1984, Surfer has emerged as the industry standard gridding and contour mapping software used by geologists, hydrologists and engineers. GOLDEN, COLORADO, J– Golden Software, the leading developer of affordable scientific graphics software, announces the release of Surfer 13, a powerful, user-friendly software package which accurately transforms XYZ data into presentation-ready maps. Golden Software Releases Surfer® 13 with Lat/Long Graticule Lines and Viewshed Analysis